Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
TFYCPO #202 (2017.04.17)
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Casual Brutality: A sadistic commitment to cost control/ The investors vs the customers/ Insult to injury at the NPS/ A government on vacation 2017/ Personally profiting from pseudo-war/ Steven Cohen/ Going abroad to find demons to slay/ Enriching your enemies/ The effective legalization of sexual assault/ Spokane's own Judge Triplet/ Two presidents and two attitudes on Syria/ A party without a heart, or conviction/ A party on life support in middle America/ An opportunity the rebuild the Democratic party
Monday Apr 03, 2017
TFYCPO #201 (2017.04.02)
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
America First, Art last: My life, in art/ Art saves/ Sevas Tra. Fascism Forever: Protecting wage theft/ The call for a fascist Constitutional Convention/ The Sheldon Whitehouse opening statement on Gorsuch/ The coming fight, against the emerging Fash Nation. Democracy Dies In Darkness: The cable news network enabling of fascism/ MSNBC, CNN now have regrets/ Fox News, Brietbart, and the KKK, now have the White House/ The normalization of a post-fact presidency/ Is truth dead?/ Why facts still matter/ It's 2017. Why is this sh*t still happening?
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
TFYCPO #200 (2017.03.26)
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Der Sturmer Stimme: A declaration of taking/ The Trump slump/ Greece and the island of Lesbos, doing the work of the lord/ The professor vs. The stormer/ A rash of racist flyers/ As the twig is bent, so grows the tree/ Sherman Holmes/ V.O.I.C.E./ The modern day Der Sturmer/ A late night infomercial pitchman, posing as President/ Take the money, and run
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
TFYCPO #199 (2017.03.19)
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Black Mirror, White America: Each and everything/ The state of human interactions/ Things killed by tech/ The Underground Report/ Fueled by the gullible/ An unhealthy contradiction/ Keisha Saunders/ McDowell County W. Virginia/ "At least you're not black..."/ Walton Welfare/ Billions in profit, Zero in taxes/ Monotheism vs Polytheism and the left/right political dichotomy/There is no he'll, but the one we create
Monday Mar 13, 2017
TFYCPO #198 (2017.03.12)
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
A Legacy Littered With The Corpses Of Critics: A Russian timeline/ The Kremlin connected killings/ Hacking, hacking, hacking.../ The fight against free media/ Resisting autocracy/ Buyer's remorse?/ Putin vs the Clintons/ The gutting of the State department/ Fulfilling Putin's wish list/ The quiet signature/ Endorsing murder/ Ending clean water/ The finest in war propaganda
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
TFYCPO #197 (2017.03.05)
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Administrative Deconstruction: Bannon at CPAC/ Stephen Bannon: wife beater/ The GOP's opposing views on domestic violence/ Tough on Clinton, Soft on Trump/ Amanda Swadhin vs Jeff Sessions/ A trigger warning for an entire nation of victims/ Sessions targets marijuana/ The Quinnipiac poll/ It's official, Everyone hates Trump/ Bannon's "Big Gay Hate Machine"/ The Trump administration's fight against the LGBT community/ Four transgender murders in one week/ Stephen Bannon, is in effect, POTUS.
Monday Feb 27, 2017
TFYCPO #196 (2017.02.26)
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
196: Resistance Recess: Duck and cover/ Democracy Spring/ The "We Will Replace You PAC"/ Enemy of the climate/ The stream protection rule repeal/ Arming the mentally ill/ There is no ACA replacement/ Who the hell do you think you are, Sir?/ Rat poison leadership/ The order of succession, for no reason whatsoever/ Neopalpa Donaldtrumpi/ Failure and incompetence have arrived/ Indivisible, we will cut their time short
Monday Feb 20, 2017
TFYCPO #195 (2017.02.20)
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Trump Is Inviting A Terrorist Attack: Mnuchin and Price/ Squandered opportunity/ The Reichstag fire/ A "Pearl Harbor" type event/ Unpopular, Inexperienced, and Wild-Eyed/ Neo-Nazis blame "The Jews" for the Flynn departure/ Brian Kilmeade promotes fear, and White Supremacy/ KellyAnne gathers the "White Power" foot soldiers/ Operation: Steal The Oil/ Iraq/ The Gas and Oil Party/ USHMM/ Rampant antisemitism/ The week in the war on the press/ Time calls for Trump's impeachment/ Pruitt, DeVos, and the Doomsday Clock/ Terminating the EPA and the DOE/ Unlikely bed fellows/ Consider the beginnings, Resist the end
Monday Feb 13, 2017
TFYCPO #194 (2016.02.12)
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
The Press Corpse: An open letter, to an authoritarian leader/ John Kennedy; how an adult president handles the press/ Reuters prepares to cover a ruthless dictator, in America/ The double presidential racial standard/ Ajit Pai: information suppressant/ Ending the open internet/ The private hell of Lenny Ponzer/ The cold cruel world, of fake news/ Spilling the blood of innocent children, in America/ A deeply unpopular "so-called" President/ Shattering switch board records/ GOP members hiding from constituents/ Thank you, Ben Mallicote/ Is America great yet?
Monday Feb 06, 2017
TFYCPO #193 (2017.02.06)
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Insane Clown President: 10 days, 20 orders/ Thomas Friedman/ Trump using an unsecured Android phone/ Trump's conflicts/ Nixon 2017/ The Goldman Sachs administration/ Trump now a threat to human rights/David Brock's olive branch. 4,000 Fronts In The War On Trump: The lack of an opposition party/ Vancouver Indivisible Against Hate/ The Concord Project/ Petitions, posts, e-mails, and memes do nothing/ Get active, show up, it's the only way
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
TFYCPO #192 (2017.01.30)
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Resist The Beginnings, Consider The End: Finem respice principles obsta/ Repetition compulsion/ Nobody is buying it/ The U.S. downgrade to a "flawed democracy"/ Seventh generation/ Racism as an economic system/ Hate crimes/ Emmett Till, 63 years later/ Rosewood/ Melvin vs Jamie Herrera-Beutler/ I'm alive/ I'm a man/ Call your congressperson/ Bubbles/ The suppression of dissent/ Criminalizing protest/ No TV make Trumpy grumpy/ A clear path forward/ Resist
Monday Jan 23, 2017
TFYCPO #191 (2017.01.22)
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Regulatory Capture: Kakistocracy/ Necessitous men are not free men/ Regulations are consumer protections/ Government accountability/ Crazy beliefs/ Alternative facts/ Doing the bidding for the one percent/ The precariat/ The death of TV journalism/ The ACA vs Obamacare/ A death sentence for Trump supporters/ The ACA vote/ Kleptocracy, meritocracy, and aristocracy
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
TFYCPO #190 (2017.01.15)
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
The Collapse Of 2017: Why the powers that be, don't care/ Why they're welcoming the collapse/ The ineffective infrastructure plan/ Randall Lane of Forbes/ The "Trump Rule"/ Senator McCain and the left/right populism/ The privatization of public money/ Why they love debt/ From Reaganomics to Trumponomics/ Mr. Chapter Eleven/ David Stockman's warning/ The father of Reaganomics, and regret/ Sell everything now/ Jay L. Zagorsky/ Musical chair economies/ David K Johnson/ How to plan for the collapse/ First, the hurricane. Then, the morning Sun.
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
TFYCPO #189 (2017.01.08)
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
They Thought They Were Free, Part Two: White nationalism and the suppression of dissent/ Nikita Whitlock/ The electoral college/ Prof. Akihl Reed Amar/ The slave states vs the free states/ Interstate crosscheck/ A white vote factory/ Robert Gleeson/Preibus lies/ 4 votes/ The voter fraud and voter ID myth/ Brunhilde Pomsel; The "good German"/ It can happen here/ It's already under way/ The media enabling of fascism/ An open letter to "good" Trump voters/ Brown shirts/ Ben Carson/ Steve Mnuchin/ Rex Tillerson/ Betsy DeVos/ Acknowledgment is not enough/ Confrontating the slave states/ We are the answer/ We should be allies
Monday Jan 02, 2017
TFYCPO #188 (2017.01.02)
Monday Jan 02, 2017
Monday Jan 02, 2017
They Thought They Were Free, Part One: Fighting fact checking/ Post truth Presidency/ Breaking promises/ Fake news; The engine in the right wing machine/ Trump's Nuremberg tour/ The war on journalism/ The Gab, and "Fash" growth/ Jade Helm and Pizzagate/ Doug Erickson/ Criminalizing dissent/ Too much 1st amendment protection / Ejecting and arresting protesters/ Killing the Internet/ Fighting democracy/ The Democratic summer sit in /Shutting off the House cameras/ Fighting transparency/ The lie about about white employment/ Kelsey Warren
Monday Dec 26, 2016
TFYCPO #187 (2016.12.25)
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Monday Dec 26, 2016
The State Of The Union: Wholesale fear/ A nation divided/ The future of ISIL/ Trump, ISIL's top advocate/ From within, not without/ Dr Allan Lichtman/ President Pence/ Micheal Weiss/ Islamists/ Maajid on the Islamist strategy/ #Quilliam/ Suppressing dissent/ Going around the media/ Greg Calvey/ PDX resistance/ Inauguration permits/ Sam Levine/ Chris Higbie/ The new internment camps/ George Takai/ Edward R Murrow, and the state of fear/ Goodnight and good luck
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
TFYCPO #186 (2016.12.18)
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Conversations With Bryan, Episode One: The Democratic party just suffered a crushing and embarrassing loss in the recent elections. However when you poll the American people, They favor the Democratic position, on most issues. They also do so, in large numbers (60%+). So why are they losing? This week we talk with Bryan. A voter who has left the Democratic party. He still holds a lot of Progressive viewpoints, However he no longer sees the Democrats as his party. So we get in to those differences. We also get in to the Conservative positions, that he holds. It's a conversation, that is lacking in America today.
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
TFYCPO #185 (2016.12.11)
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Filling The Swamp: HRC's "corrupt establishment", now Trump's/ "Better his swamp, than her swamp"/ The foreclosure machine/ Steve Mnuchin/ The Goldman Sachs Administration/ The Libertarian scam/ The "populist" fills the swamp/ The talking points leak, on Trump's picks/Jeff Sessions/ Overturning civil rights/ Mr. Brexit/ Changing the tone, among out Countrymen/ "Trumpgrets"/ "Give Trump chance"/ The false mandate/ Leading the resistance/ Mandating patriotism/ The Loser One
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
TFYCPO #184 (2016.12.04)
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Dark Enlightenment: The D.C. white power gathering/ Richard Spencer/ Cuckservatism/ White genocide/ The threat of diversity/ Fred Trump/ Lugenpresse/ Trumpian Nationalism/ "The Contract On America"/ The "fashy"/ Kurt Bardella/ Erasing the 1st amendment/ Academic racism/ Coat & tie racism/ "Skypes" and "Googles"/ Neo-Reactionaries/ Human biodiversity/ Racist attacks in America's schools/ Squadristi/ Libertarian racist roots/ Men's rights/ Make Germany Great Again!/The Schumer warning/ The fall of Joe Middle-class Republican
Sunday Nov 27, 2016
TFYCPO #183 (2016.11.27)
Sunday Nov 27, 2016
Sunday Nov 27, 2016
Mourn. Organize. Resist.: The habitual liar/ Two Trumps/ The Ohio Red shift/ "I'm not a racist, but..."/ You voted for a racist/ The white working class/ Goose stepping towards economic prosperity/ Dec. 19th/ Lady Gaga's mission impossible/ The failing grade for U.S. elections/ The uncomfortable inclusive society/ Raw Democratic nerves/ The Trump Administration body count, so far/ We rise, after the fall of the blue wall. Onward: We are not done/ 27 progressive organizations looking for you/ Today is the day