
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
TFYCPO #282 (2019.01.27)
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Drowning In A Bathtub: Trump vs MLK/ Germany 1964/ Busted by Bernie/ Rich, white, well dressed drug dealers/ Patrick Kennedy holds it down/ The Davos economic forum/ Richer and richer and richer/ Alan Naiman/ Dying younger, saving billions/ Pastor Donnie Romero. Washington Is The Future: Cascade Care/ The right to kill, interrupted/ Denying insurance for murderers/ Human composting/ Anti-Vaxxers strike Vancouver

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
TFYCPO #281 (2019.01.20)
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Information Paralysis: The President vs reality/ A conversation with a racist/ The wall has already been breached/ The cost of the shut down/ A paltry $5.7 billion/ McConnell's repeated reopen blocks/ #WheresMitch / The math gets more fuzzy/ Furloughed Democrats?/ As America falls, Putin celebrates/ The Trump-Putin destabilization/ The emoluments/ Our storyteller/ Collusion is confirmed!/ Bet on Trump and lose/ The poll sharing with Russia/ Ellen's shadow government?/ Eric off the rails/ The Cole Memo/ Another pot hostile A.G./ Rich & guilty vs poor & innocent/ H.R. 420/ Jailing journalists as Justice Dept policy/ Meet William "Loves Putting Blacks Behind" Barr(s). Your new A.G.

Monday Jan 14, 2019
TFYCPO #280 (2019.01.13)
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Living With Problematic Artists: Overlooking years of violence and abuse/ The music in our hearts/ R. Kelly, XXXTENTACION, and other complicated relationships/ The persistent problem with child brides/ The era of shame for abuse, has arrived/ Going forward with open eyes. AOC IsThe New Right-Wing Boogeywoman: The 2nd Bill of Rights/ The New Green Deal/ New radicalism/ The working woman's run, for the House/ Socialism!/ Corporate Democrats/ A semantic trap/ Trump is racist. No question. Full stop./ Right-wing creep shots/ Corporate donations/ Gene Spurling on the AOC plan/ 75 years after FDR

Monday Jan 07, 2019
TFYCPO #279 (2019.01.06)
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Hegemonic Masculinity: Lauren Hough, on the worst of America/ Misogyny as a virtue/ Restoring the rights of rapists/ The blue collar struggle/ The gay struggle/ The woman struggle/ Sarah Hason-Young/ The need for advocates/ 6 more Mueller months/ A quiet ending, to a real witchhunt/ Gassing the weary, hungry, huddled masses/ The criminal employer in chief/ Rashida Tlaib grabs back/ Pelosi's poetic response/ The weight of words/ Bringing removal from office, to a boil

Sunday Dec 30, 2018
TFYCPO #278 (2018.12.30)
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Be More Kind, My Friend: Comey's second round/ The problem with Fox News/ Comey on Democrats and Republicans/ Fox News starts to turn/ Mulvaney in 2016/ Brian Williams Russia Warning/ Rachel's wall/ 98.5%/ The current state of net neutrality/ The BK campaign/ The FBI comment investigation/ Beer vs Marijuana/ McConnell's mistake/ Putin targets hip-hop/ Sex, drugs, & protest/ Dear Melvin/ DeVos loses big/ A gender neutral, hipster, Santa/ Practicing kindness

Monday Dec 24, 2018
TFYCPO #277 (2018.12.23)
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
The Third Government Shutdown In A Year: Google's world class idiot/ The world's worst deal maker/ 800,000 cut off, just before Xmas/ Republican governance on full display/ Russia is back, thanks to the GOP/ Praise from dictators and terrorists/ Overturning the Trump rule/ Wisconsin, North Carolina, and other sore losers/ Sink Florida/ The new Watergate reaches a boil/ The Hannity & Limbaugh effect/ John Dean's lessons/ The next two months/ McConnell and Nixon/ Pence and Nixon/ With 10 minutes left/ Winter is coming/ Why Pastor Martin Niemoller still echoes/ Stupid, stupid, effing wall/ Greta Thunberg

Sunday Dec 16, 2018
TFYCPO #276 (2018.12.16)
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Reaganomics At The Close Of 2018: The dark side of Xmas/ Trump hires illegals/ Nike's sweatshop hell/ Samsung's human rights abuses/ Rethinking American consumerism/ We Are disposable, as consumers/ GM CEO Mary Barra/ A preventable plunge in NYC/ The LGBTQ suicide slide/ The American suicide bounce/ Conservatism is costing lives/ Brightwood goes dark/ Don't tell me your party affiliation/ Consider the human cost/ Debt prisons for everyone/ The Confession of Judgment Clause/ Read carefully and drive slow

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
TFYCPO #275 (2018.12.09)
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
We Didn't All Die. A Week Of Neglected Stories: Profiling at it's worst/ Peter Sean Brown/ The most homophobic place on earth/ The Russian fight against America Net Neutrality/ Remember Spygate?/GOP ballot theft in N.C/ Wisconsin's GOP sore losers/ Heads I win, Tails, you lose/ Climate change is the real war on Xmas/ Laura Ingraham's Whites Only America/ The cold chill/ 2018 House Resolution One/ Another effing shutdown?!/ How to fix Congress

Sunday Dec 02, 2018
TFYCPO #274 (2018.12.02)
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Moral Capitalism: Chasing Lucy's football again/ 62% don't support life, independence/ The way the game is played/ The TCJA/ The problem with Michigan and Ohio/ America got played/ 42 people and half the world's wealth/ The sugar high fades/ Choosing millionaires over starving children/ GM's millions/ Towns that will dry up, and blow away/ Mississippi burning/ Imagine a world without for-profit healthcare underwriting/ Red state welfare/ Red states preach, blue states practice/ The arguments fall flat/ Purple reign

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
TFYCPO #273 (2018.11.25)
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Human Rights Are Too Expensive: The true enemy of the people/ Jim Acosta/ Peter Alexander/ Trump drops an expensive new suit/ The Magnitsky Act & The Kremlin/ The Magnitsky trigger and Khashoggi/ The Saudi owned US president/ Putin's shared custody/ Deadly ground for journalists/ The Narco controlled communities of Mexico/ A true libertarian paradise/ I am not a journalist/ Let's continue to fight for real journalism/ Marvin Kalib on the origin of Trump phrases/ Only turkeys have right wings

Saturday Nov 17, 2018
TFYCPO #272 (2018.11.18)
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
The Quiet Storm: Tremendous water/ Subpoena cannon/ Nita Lowey's fury/ A Democratic hit list/ "The Apprentice" tapes/ Omarosa returns/ The failure in France/ Macron confronts a bully/ The truth about veterans/ Trump & Jeff's 1st date/ Trump & Jeff's last days/ Tax cuts and Teacher pay/ Re-prioritizing/ The Cabinet leak/ Economic Bigness/ Explaining away the loss/ Hang in there, Cindy Hyde-Smith/ Meanwhile in Georgia/ "The Snake"/ Florida's continuing electoral dysfunction/ Closure in Arizona/ The invisible hand and "The Invisible Hands"/ Child slavery in America/ The continuing curse of Conservative policies/ From dead children to dead oceans

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
TFYCPO #271 (2018.11.11)
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
The Invisible Backpack: The wave crashes on Aryan shores/ Obama's revenge/ The strategy of presidential harassment/ Electing indicted GOP members/ Matt Shea/ The Aryan Nation Of Spokane Valley, WA/ The biblical basis for war/ Showering the caravan with kindness/ Beto will rise again/ The colour of fear/ Immigrant Films/ Fear is all they have/ The Confederate President/ Massive military/ Patriarchy/ White power/ A poisonous tone/ The correct way to correct hecklers/ Ivanka's voting machines/ Christine Jordan/ Confederate Georgia/ Ballot bandits/ Dammit Florida! Again?/ OR and WA show the way/ 2020 starts now. Sorry…

Monday Nov 05, 2018
TFYCPO #270 (2018.11.04)
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
The Closing Arguments: It can't happen here/ Casual antisemitism turns fatal/ The ideology of power/ Globalism and Nationalism/ Cursing, nipples, and Kanye/ Ending sexual violence/ Raising better boys/ The 14th Amendment/ The Trumpenkriegers/ Justifying GOP criminal actions/ Abolish the male vote/ Jack Burkman's big, fat, lie/Mueller goes quiet/ Suffering right wing Attacks/ The Caravan/ Coulter's invasion/ The choice between Democrats or children in cages/ Stranger anxiety/ Obama on the road, and fired up/ Hope returns

Sunday Oct 28, 2018
TFYCPO #269 (2018.10.28)
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Alt-Right And Center: White wittle baby/ Comfort in the swamp/ Full throated white nationalism/ Identity Evropa/ Lindsey's casual racism/ Future 45/ Black Americas for Trump. Both of them.../ Bruce Michael Alexander/ The return of the "illegal voters"/ Racists robocalls/ Smearing Jamal Khashoggi/ 20 yrs after Matthew Shepard/ Fein-Steen and Rosen-Steen and casual antisemitism/ Putin declares the end of America/ Trump agrees/ Cons declare war on Dems/ Dems receive mail bombs/ Stochastic terrorism/ The US global image plummets/ Excuses for not voting/ Obama, and the return of a functional adult

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
TFYCPO #268 (2018.10.14)
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
The Crest Of A Blue Wave: Gowdy is Nothing/ The Taylor surge/ Sambo Yeezus/ A betrayal beyond words/ The fight against the 4th estate/ Editing the internet/ The high road, or kick them down?/ Hope rides high/ Kavanaugh motivates the Nazis/ West Virginia suffers MAGA success/ Under the fog of Kavanaugh. The ballad of Cody Wilson: The Liberator-Ghost gun/ Murder weapons for all/ A hero for to the far right/American terrorists/ WA I-1639/ Cody Wilson: Pedophile/ The Conservative soft spot for Pedophiles and rapists. The Wave Of Change: The divorce rate is dropping/ Millennial are changing everything/ The future is in their hands

Monday Oct 01, 2018
TFYCPO #267 (2018.09.30)
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
A Tale Of Two Doors: An insider's account of the dark, Christian, underbelly/ The false narrative of the neglected white, working-class/ Eliminating Hillary and Helen/ Texas ignorance reigns/ The white knights of Trump country/ Cruel evangelism/ Fundamentalism vs knowledge/ Attacking survivors/ We believe her. We all believe her. The GOP just doesn't care/ The re-victimization/ Anita Hill 2018/ How dare you hurt Brett!/ That's his seat/ That's his birth right!/ Brett's not yelling, you're yelling!/ The moment that changed everything

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
TFYCPO #266 (2018.09.26)
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
I Believe Anita Hill: What happens at Georgetown Prep.../ Prosecuting the victim/ Praise for the rapist/ The GOP embrace sexual assault/ Orrin Hatch vs. All women/ Jennifer on #WhyIDidntReport / Assaulting the victim again/ Right wing humour, and other rape jokes! / Men for Kavanaugh/ I'm done with white men, for real. I Did Nazi That Coming: Another white male bonding activity/ Horowitz on Nazis/ Nazis love Trump/ Obama on Nazis/ Ron DeSantis monkeys it up/ Andrew Gillum v the KKK/ The DeSantis rebuke/ The vomitous ad/ Obama on the Progressive strategy/ 2 more months/ Now is the time/ Stop the stupidity

Monday Sep 17, 2018
TFYCPO #265 (2018.09.16)
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
One Justice Away, From An American Nightmare: Rushing to lose cases/ A refusal to adjourn/ The Democratic fight/ The shouts/ The fights/ An abysmal approval rating/ The end of Roe, and the rights of people/ HOP ass kissing/ In praise of police force/ Silencing dissent/ The Judicial Crisis Network/ The Federalist Society/ The fight against Matthew 25/ We the corporations. The Ballad Of Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: From Fox News rock star, To joining the resistance

Monday Sep 03, 2018
TFYCPO #264 (2018.09.02)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
The Undeclared War: Limbaughs latest freak-out/ Half suffer with basic needs/ The wobbly economy/ It's all good... For them/ David Cay Johnson/ Seth Frotman/ The open hostilities towards borrowers/ When they show you who they are, Believe them. In The Dumbf**k Kingdom: Obamacare vs The billionaire tax cut/ Sinking polls/ OMG, Socialism!/ Medicare for all, an American idea/ Truth isn't truth/ Lauren DeBellis Appell, sleeping with the lights on/ Holy effing crap, Socialism!/ Fear of the dark/ Guns for grizzlies/ The countdown to impeachment

Monday Aug 27, 2018
TFYCPO #263 (2018.08.26)
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
This Is America: The Neo-Confederate/Kremlin alliance/ Driving terror/ Laura Ingraham's white power crusade/ Angela Diers/ David Glosser and chain migration/ Aretha Franklin workin' it/ Fox News remembers Patti LaBelle. God's Plan: Our future, our children/ Pedophile priests/ In the name of God/ Man's law vs Canon law/ The PA grand jury report/ An indictment of Catholicism/ Addiction, child rape, abuse, child sex rings... Just another day in church. Dead Children, And Your Tax Dollars At Work: Lockheed Martin/ State sponsored terror/ The bombing of a school bus