
Monday Mar 30, 2020
TFYCPO #302 (2020.03.30)
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Unlearning Toxic Lessons: As healthy as your sickest citizen/ The funeral march for a dead end system/ Minus humanity/ Science, vaccines, and CDC guidelines/ Inequality matters/ The people are the virus/ A cleaner, quieter, happier home/ Capitalism runs on blood/ Need not greed/ The basics we take for granted/ The myth about low-level workers/ We get the crumbs and we absorb the losses/ Job creators, lunch debt, and other lies that need to die/ The check is in the mail/ Now we're all Socialist

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
TFYCPO #301 (2020.03.22)
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
The Roaring Twenties: Back on the front lines/ "The China Flu"/ Leaderless in a crisis/ Drinking the sand/ Failing with softballs/ The "19" in "Covid 19"/ Lessons from Vo Italy/ The long warning and deaf ears/ The financial weight falls to the working class/ The crimes of China's Gov't/ Saviour Science/ Firing Gov't scientists before and during an outbreak/ The sudden belief in vaccines/ Trump will soon abandon his base/ Millions of lost jobs/ Biden rising/ The 2020 bargain/ The lessons we learn, must not be lost

Monday Jul 01, 2019
TFYCPO #300 (2019.06.30)
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Silence Was Never An Option: The ghost protests/ Engel thought he had seen it all/ Separate realities/ Dumpers/ Death, DHS, and your taxes/ Dead children are piling up/ The drowning seen around the world/ Say their names!/ Georgia Clark/ A Texas teacher, won't protect her children/ Someone who believes nothing they say/ A warning to the Dumpers/ The White House sues to end human dignity/ State sanctioned sexual assault/ The business world, Has a problem with Johns/ How to talk to the ladies/ Sean Hannity, has zero self awareness/ John Heilmann/ Impeachment as of now/ The future of TFYCPO…

Monday Jun 24, 2019
TFYCPO #299 (2019.06.23)
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
The Noble Lie: Admiral McRaven and the sin of love and compassion/ Redefining poverty/ Ignoring the marginalized/ Chyron Conservatives/ Zero tolerance for Christian charity/ Lies in service of the Lord/ The Hunt for white Christ/ Felony charity/ Concentration camps in America/ Loud warnings and deaf ears/ The deaths in American custody/ Naked racism, and unrepentant hatred/ A young fascist in Austin Texas/ The return of White Power Laura. The Ever Evolving Symbolism: It's Pride month!/ Transgender worldwide/ The progress we've made/ Milo's fight against the gay community/ Pepe, the Punisher skull, and every other symbol stolen by the White Supremacist movement. Uninsurable Florida: Miami island/ Sinking Florida/ Drowning in your own lies

Monday Jun 10, 2019
TFYCPO #298 (2019.06.09)
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Night Of The Living Rednecks: The ballad of the Dixie Chicks/ A lesson in GOP hypocrisy/ Record pyres and book burnings/ Coffee and death threats/ AOC/ The real enemies of freedom/ Generation lockdown/ Teachers as human shields/ There is no flag large enough/ Copy, Paste, Legislate/ Structural problems/ Set to fail/ Term limits!?/ Failing to see your own power. The Failing American Dream, Funded By You: REO vs Oreo/ Ignorant, stupid, and dumb/ Low IQ Ben Carson/ Rep. Katie Porter/ Fleeing American college debt/ Indictments for journalists/ The unofficial repeal of the 1st amendment/ A new profile in courage/ A representative that is not a chicken s**t/ Justin Amash/ Our same runs deep

Monday Jun 03, 2019
TFYCPO #297 (2019.06.02)
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Negotiating With Chaos: Skyrocketing personal debt/ A $33 minimum wage?/ Being robbed by Wall St./ Capitalism needs poverty and slavery/ Banning the homeless/ Cheating becomes acceptable/ American made in China/ The hunger for an American community/ It can happen here/ It will happen here/ Not so fast, Joe/ Letting the media pick our candidates. Welcoming Hate Back To America: The media ecosystem/ 9 lonely Klansmen/ Spokane, WA is becoming hate central/ Siding with Putin and arming terrorists/ The Equality Act vs Rights For Rapists/ A tale of two visions/ The Cascadia Santuary/ On the power of kindness and love

Sunday May 26, 2019
TFYCPO #296 (2019.05.26)
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
There Is No Such Thing, As Someone Else's War: Anti-Woman/ Pro "controlling women's bodies"/ Another dead migrant child, and right wing radio silence/ Execution ain't abortion/ The Pat Robertson problem/ Mass lockups for miscarriages/ Alabama is a women's prison/ Funding the war on women/ The anti-women women's groups/ A roadmap for fighting back/ Unconscious bias/ Travis Scott/ Democrats reclaim religion/ Satan to the rescue/ Elizabeth's plan/ Rebel gropers. Forcing Themselves On You: Sweet tea and raccoon pee/ The loan shark prevention act/ Screwing factory workers/ Robocall is not a bad word?/ If you want it, the GOP wants to take it away/ If you need it, the GOP wants to give you the opposite/ Resistance is not futile

Sunday May 19, 2019
TFYCPO #295 (2019.05.19)
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Dark Enlightenment: Get out while you can/ Katie McHugh/ The rise and fall of an AltRight queen/ Hate goes mainstream/ Too toxic for Breitbart/ Chewed up and spat out/ The crocodile tears, and cries about "the liberal media"/ A monopoly on communication/ A right wing network of disinformation/ Unemployable at 28/ Failing health and empty pockets/ MAGA country will be abandoned too/ A hate for profit racket/ Frightened by foreign languages/ SCOTUS continues to promote discrimination. Confronting Hatred In Valleyford: A boy in a dress/ Surviving the ghetto, only to die in the sticks/ Baseball bats coupled with rage/ Homophobic backroads/ Fear of nothing, and responding with everything/ Check your biases, and understand your fears

Monday May 13, 2019
TFYCPO #294 (2019.05.12)
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
You're Born, You Work, You Die. Then You Work Some More: Internalizing capitalism/ Drones, slaves, and robots/ Post WWII, to Reagan/ A brief history of modern day slavery/ Amazon firing pregnant workers/ Hard work is all that matters/ Being productive is all that matters/ Profit is all that matters. A Lighter Shade Of Terrorism: Presidential terrorist/ Ilhan Omar/ The Swalwell voicemail/ The GOP's White ISIS/ Clint Watts on white terror/ Banning the KKK and the GOP/ Trump's concentration camps for Latinos. Watergate To The Tenth Power: Kamala mops the floor with Barr/ If the president does it.../ If he weren't president/ Individual #1/ The president is a felon/ Floating pardons/ All of the greatest hits/ Al Green is at it again/ How bad does it have to get?

Monday May 06, 2019
TFYCPO #293 (2019.05.06)
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
We Can't Breathe: Healthcare designed to make us sick/ $1,000+ per hour, for nothing/ $88 Billion borrowed for health care/ The Legalization Act of 2020/ The Kilmeade yoga stretch/ Welcome to hell world/ Hidden in plain sight/ 25 years/ The destruction of American families/ Russian state media hearts Fox News. A Progressive Prayer Breakfast: A panic button for dancers/ Amazon's wire taps, complete with transcripts/ Pick pockets return/ A double standard for rich and poor felons/ Opening the case for impeachment

Saturday Apr 27, 2019
TFYCPO #292 (2019.04.28)
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
A Conservative Paradise: Stripped and strangled/ Unhappy returns/ Uber Teachers/ The DeVos wrecking ball/ The $4 billion "Ghost School" scam/ Mike Lee's ignorance extravaganza/ The stupidity rodeo ring leader / The death of expertise/ Patrick Moore/ A new strain of anti-intellectualism. Project Blitz: The death of Christian kindness/ Christian nationalism/ In memory of Brooklyn Marie Brehm/ MTP on press behaviour, one year later/ Larry Hopkins: Conservative Christian terrorist/ The Wonder Boy

Monday Apr 08, 2019
TFYCPO #291 (2019.04.07)
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Nasty, Brutish, and Short: The bullet box/ The language of loss/ Lonnie and Sandy Phillips/ The grief and the story/ It never happened/ Losing a child, and your life/ Capitalism and it's role in mass killings/ Rupert falls/ McLachlan rises/ A new era of white terror and cruelty/ #mylastshot / mylastshot.org / YNW Melly/ Awaiting my own murder. Misogynists Would Like To Have The Lady Vote, Please: The pro-domestic violence and pro-wage gap GOP/ Misogyny in Conservative media/ White domestic terrorism rises/ DHS closes the domestic terrorism office/ White is all right/ The end of the 8th amendment/ The SCOTUS legalization of torture. Since Nothing Matters Anymore: Here comes Herman Cain

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
TFYCPO #290 (2019.03.31)
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
The God That Failed: Trumping hate/ Correcting a mistake/ Shep Smith on Russia/ Katy Tur vs the traitor/ All for naught?/ A waste of time?/ The 34 indictments/ The forgotten hacking/ This proves nothing/ Believing in U.S./ From vengeance to gift giving. White Christian Terror: A bloodbath in Christchurch/ Rhetorical ammunition/ Real killing/ Unwilling to disavow/ Skipping thoughts and prayers in favour of action/ Christopher Paul Hasson/ The MAGA bomber/ 1 week, 3 suicides/ On with the body count/ Con media control/ From dismissing dead children to attacking their grieving parents/ An evil that knows no bounds

Monday Mar 25, 2019
TFYCPO #289 (2019.03.24)
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
A Safe Space For White Supremacists, And White Nationalism: From God Emperor to Dictator/ Clamping down on the 1st/ Praise for murderers/ Russia bans dissent/ Tech Tyranny?/ Poisoning the well/ A death in Portland/ Rugged individualism/ Ignoring humanity and society/ Devin Nunes Cow/ The history of tort reform/ Tim Apple/ Another weeping Nazi/ Punching down/ Fighting with a dead veteran/ Fascist goon squads/ Black lungs of freedom/ 2018 taxes reveal the chosen/ When you have privilege, equality feels like oppression

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
TFYCPO #288 (2019.03.17)
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Moderates Are Monsters: Hillary v Bernie 2020/ Centrist Democrats in the time of Nazis/ 90 years of Socialist name calling/ A beast that doesn't exist/ For The People Act/ Taxing the wealthy is gaining popularity/ The GOP fights FOR corruption/ The real radicals/ Rutger Bergman/ Mitch McConnell: Proud Crook/ Washington state does it again/ Harry Truman on the real GOP/ Beto is in, and civility is fading. Thinking Of The Children: Kids in cages/ baby jails/ Dead children in US custody/ File under: soul crushing/ Forced birth in Conservative Argentina/ Idaho fights Sex Education/ Marrying children, in Idaho

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
TFYCPO #287 (2019.03.10)
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
The Last President: The president's personal fixer testifies/ A campaign of hate & division/ Trump is a racist/ An enigma/ Humanizing a monster/ The world's greatest infomercial/ Threats for a "brilliant man"/ Never patriotic in private/ The BS bone spurs from a draft dodger/ Lynn Patton on the block/ The slave auction moment/ Carol Miller and her army for Trump/ Cohen's warning to GOP boot lickers/ Punished for NOT lying/ Lying to the first lady/ Ran for President to get rich! That's it/ The crimes committed/ Polls favour Cohen/ SDNY/ Trump at CPAKKK/ The media created monster/ This too shall pass

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
TFYCPO #286 (2019.03.03)
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Expendable Youth: The trauma floor/ Living in fear/ Cognizant Inc./ Trauma bonding/ Inconsolable/ Chloe and Randy/ Dark humour as a survival mechanism/ Holohoax/ Secondary Traumatic Stress. Fear Of A Functioning Government: Operation: Divide The Left/ GOP v Dems/ Dems v Dems/ Bernie 2020/ Democratic Socialism and Socialism for morons/ Elizabeth's pledge/ Disappearing corporate campaign cash/ A "socialist" living wage?! The Final Word: Jussie's lie, and the damage done

Monday Feb 18, 2019
TFYCPO #285 (2019.02.17)
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Several Systems That Serve The Wealthy: 2 years after the BS Trump health care promise/ Monday morning in hell/ Insurance that does not insure/ Dying to save money/ Mental health and murder/ Gary Martin/ A true national emergency/ The dying NRA. The Tax And Job Theft Act Of 2017: The Democratic Party/ The swindle of changing tables/ The rich get richer/ Fox "facts" during tax season/ There is no wall, to finish/ Back when the GOP hated debt/ Their newfound love for saddling you with debt/ The real debt bomb/ Mandatory wage garnishment/ Insuring the the Senate remains safe for millionaires

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
TFYCPO #284 (2019.02.10)
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
A Short Memory Is A Privilege For The Oppressor: The chosen one/ God and Trump, sittin' in a tree.../ The National Prayer Breakfast/ Michael Bennet vs Ted Cruz/ Cruel, White, Evangelists/ Wilbur Ross on the average man/ The sin of Trump Conservatism/ Thanking the slaves/ The Christian policy of zero humanity/ $750.00 per person, per day for immigrant detention/ 8,500 lies! 8,501, 8,501, 8502, 8503.../ Franklin Graham's false prophet/ White Supremacy was always the doctrine/ The search for white Jesus/ Fighting against health care/ The FoxBots are falling away/ The groveling Republicans/ The threat in the well of the People's House

Monday Feb 04, 2019
TFYCPO #283 (2019.02.03)
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
The New Cold War: The president's mafia/ Terrorizing private citizens/ Moscow's influence toolkits/ Putin's "honey do" list, for Trump/ The president vs our intelligence/ The agreements fall apart/ One minute closer to midnight. The Pitchforks Are Coming For Wall Street: Wall Street panics about 2020/ Wall Street runs for President/ Bloomberg's BS right-wing talking points/ Howard Schultz 2020 bid for the rich, white, oligarch party/ Warren has them running scared/ Elizabeth's wealth tax/ Melvin's wealth tax/ How Finland solved homelessness/ Housing first