Sunday Jun 05, 2016
TFYCPO #162 (2016.06.05)
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Fear Is Your Only God: Authoritarian temptation/ Cross of iron/ End of the Republic/ Nuclear threat/ A Savage influence/ Armed fairy tales/ Gun nuts/ The Conservative mind/ Commencement speeches against hate/ Unconsciousness reactions/ Normalizing violence/ The shift/ The purple line/ Red and Blue against oligarchy. Dear Jon: 8 months have passed/ An indictment of the profit-driven Media/ Jon and Bernard hold a mirror to America, and Americans recoil/ Ending our adversarial tactics, in an attempt to unite
Monday May 23, 2016
TFYCPO #161 (2016.05.22)
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
Second Class Citizens: A virulent sexist/ The FNC defense/ Leslie Gold/ Priorities USA PAC/ Rape PAC/ Vetoing pay equity/ PPP and Trump/ Women hate Trump/ Defending domestic violence/ Ivy Park slavery/ Jud McMillan/ Anti Choice laws, and their consequences/ Self inducing, and other tragedies/ Anna Yocca/ NPR and Troy Newman/ Blaming the assault victims/ Japan's "comfort women"/ Acceptance of atrocities, only encourages further violence/ Tampons as a public good/ Women's rights are human rights. Final Thought: Violence Breeds Violence
Monday May 16, 2016
TFYCPO #160 (2016.05.15)
Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
The Faded Line: The DLC, AL From, and the Clintons/ The Democratic right turn/ Blurring the political lines/ Hillary campaigns for Bush donors and Wall Street money/ Classic doublespeak/ Forced to the left/ A contested convention/ A battle on the floor for Progressive values/ The speech vs the speeches/ The transcripts could end her bid/ The middle class vs the leisure class/ The hypocrisy of transparency/ Echoes of FDR/ Google bans predatory loan ads/ While the DNC and the DLC fight to protect predatory lenders/ WasserGate/ Fighting the grass roots/ Tight polls spell disaster/ The last stand of the Progressive Party
Monday May 09, 2016
TFYCPO #159 (2016.05.08)
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
Hail Emperor: The meltdown/ GOP 1861-2016/ Normalizing absurdity/ The full scale rejection of modern Conservatism/ Hailing the ascension of Emperor Trump/ Extremism/ "America First"/ Dog whistle language/ Philadelphia, Mississippi/ The Suffolk County murder/ The California protests/ Echoes of George Wallace/ Fulfilling the Turner Diaries/ The Savage role in the Emperor's rise/ The Philippine election/ A mirror of Trump/ Rodrigo Dutarte/ The real PC police/ Libel laws/ Eradicating the first Amendment/ The Bill Boggarts warning/ The new face of the GOP. The "N" Word: The Wilmore fallout/ Oppressive language/ Unlearning hate speech/ We can't have a conversation about a word, When we can't even say it
Monday May 02, 2016
TFYCPO #158 (2016.05.01)
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
In A World Of Human Wreckage: Americans against the war/ The world against the war/ Tulsi Gabbard/ The media promoted the war, and is promoting it again/ Hillary's Iraq/ Malcolm Nance/ Patriotism for sale/ The NIE report/ Ineffective and brutal tortures/ Leaving our veterans behind/ War criminals/ No WMDs/ The 28 pages/ Blair's apology, Hillary's apology/ Absent antiwar voices/ American manufactured terror/ America is now the enemy/ Six trillion dollars/ Forgetting the lessons/ Screaming in to the wind, again/ Killing is our business/ Only war Hawks remain
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
TFYCPO #157 (2016.04.26)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
The Threat of Peace and Equality: The Pope vs Citizens United/Blasting unbridled capitalism/ Dung of the Devil/ The Vatican invite/ Sanders speech to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences/ Walls and bridges/ The Conservative media vs the Pope/ The Hotel Du Pont incident/ The Patriotic Millionaires/ Facts about inequality/ The hypocrisy of helping the poor/ Bernie marches with Verizon workers/ While Hillary gives a paid speech to their Board/ The top 0.1%/ A universal basic income/ A new New Deal/ The trickle down myth/ An un-Christian Nation/We have the means, what we lack is the will
Monday Apr 18, 2016
TFYCPO #156 (2016.04.18)
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016
When A Winning Streak Means You're Unelectable: 8 of the last 9 contests/ 27,000 in NY, and 3 cities in 12 hours/ The road from 3%/ The next front: NY/ "NY values" takes center stage/ From a Bronx Crowd, to a Bronx protest/ The media Obsession/ The Sunday show slant/ The days of the loss leader/ The dumb fight over qualifications/ The problem with profit/ They're with her. Rigged, For Her Pleasure/ The DNC vs The "rabble"/ 33 states, sell their Super Delegates/ A corrupt system/ Trump weighs in on the corrupt system/ Then he corrupts it further/ Trouble for Hillary on the trail/ Fear of the American electorate
Monday Apr 11, 2016
TFYCPO #155 (2016.04.10)
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
TFYCPO #155 (2016.04.10) - Voter Suppression In Wisconsin, And America: A Wisconsin win/ Sanders v Walker/ BallotPedia and Propublica facts/ Glenn Grothman tells the truth/ Literacy tests/ A poll tax/ Myths and facts/ Todd Allbaugh/ Backroom deals/ Giddy about disenfranchisement/ It's not about fraud/Paul Weyrich/ They don't care what you think/ They don't want you voting/ The threat of Democracy. Children Of The GOP: Political exertion/ Never Trump/ The Kasich strategy/ The Kochs pick Paul Ryan/ The Ryan for President movement/ The childish antics/ The reasoning skills of a 5 year old/ Leave the spouses out of it, unless they're Democrats/ Batsh#t crazy/ Frank Luntz/ Welcoming the GOP voters, who have no one to vote for
Monday Apr 04, 2016
TFYCPO #154 (2016.04.03)
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Making America Hate Again: The Sikh casualties/ The Graham death prediction/ Nazis and burkas/ The Muslim murders/ The tripling of hate crimes/ The Muslim patrols/ Cruz, Trump, and the Klan agree/ The list of crimes immediately following San Bernardino/ Confronting the Cruz hate/ White, Christian, terrorism/ 7 times more likely/ The denial of white terrorism/ DiBlasio and Bratton respond/ The failed Muslim patrols/ Getting to the root of American fear/ The southern secessionists, the "Indomnitables"/ The internet negates the wall/ Frank Hyman and the southern white Con/ History with Tim Wise/ Some of us are working towards a positive solution, and a more cohesive country/ Some of us are not/ The Bernie dreamers/ Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation/ How do we really make America great...
Monday Mar 28, 2016
TFYCPO #153 (2016.03.27)
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Monday Mar 28, 2016
The Strict Constitutionalists: The passing of Scalia/ The battle in the Senate/ The Constitutional argument/ The Unconstitutional behavior/ The Wild eyed conspiracy theories/ The theories are legitimized by a Presidential Candidate/ The mourning of a hard core racist/ The search for a new racist. Article Six: No Religious Test: Open Season/ God's American warriors/ The Christian victims/ Are we electing a pastor, or a President?/ Fear of a Jewish President/ Spirituality/ Fear of an Atheist President/ We're all in this together/ Why the Church prefers the "Born Again"/ Does religion matter in politics?/ Why it shouldn't/ A Secular society/ The golden rule
Monday Mar 21, 2016
TFYCPO #152 (2016.03.20)
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Then They Fight You, Then You Win: The undemocratic superdelegates/ Jeff Berman, Bill Shaheen, and other lobbyist superdelegates/ Wall Street's Larry Fink is ready for Hillary, and ready to run her Treasury Dept./ Eisenhower's 91% tax rate, and the Sanders plan/ 62 people are now wealthier than 3.5 billion/ Raging economic inequality/ The US oligarchy, and the oligarch's candidate/ The Bernie Bros./ Carl Wolfson, Dan Savage, and the Dem v Dem battles/ Understanding the "Hillary Never" movement/ Primary voter bullying/ It's the primaries, dream as big as you want...
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
TFYCPO #151 (2016.03.13)
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
The Disintegration Of The GOP:Kindness, charity, and a kill list/ The brutalism of Ted Cruz/ The life span disparity/ "Trickle Down" begins to crumble/ The continued job loss, from trade deals/ Conservative race economics/ The moderate Conservatives speak out/ Fear of an all white party/ Bombast, and irresponsible journalism/ Making money on the way up, and down/ Les Moonves/ Death, and renewal in the American body politics
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
TFYCPO #150 (2016.03.06)
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
TFYCPO #149 (2016.02.29)
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
TFYCPO #148 (2016.02.21)
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
TFYCPO #147 (2016.02.16)
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
TFYCPO #146 (2016.02.09)
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
TFYCPO #145 (2016.02.01)
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
TFYCPO #144 (2016.01.24)
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Sunday Jan 24, 2016